Principal: Mrs Claire Clarke BA Hons PGCE NPQH

Chair of the Local Advisory Council (LAC): Mrs Claire Clarke

SENCO: Miss N Firth

John Wheeldon Primary Academy is a proud member of the Staffordshire University Academy Trust.

John Wheeldon has a long and proud history which we treasure and relish being a part of as we continue the skilled job of educating children. As an Academy we are committed to providing the best kind of learning experiences to each and every child whilst being truly entwined in our community.

We strive to deliver a curriculum which responds to our modern, fast changing world, for example Information and Communication technology, whilst retaining the more traditional subjects such as Music. We place high importance on values for life such as respect and responsibility for ourselves and for others.

Our Local School Councillors and Academy Governors remains committed to continuous improvement of the Academy premises, providing our children with a high quality learning environment. At the same time, we are continuing to invest at the maximum possible level to provide the best possible learning and teaching resources to support the work of a superb staff team. Your children deserve the best!

We also actively encourage members of the wider community to be involved with, and use, our building, drawing on the knowledge and interests of those within the community and providing a base for community resources and facilities.

We know that you know your children better than anyone else and they are incredibly precious to you! When you bring them to school and place them in our trust, we take that responsibility incredibly seriously. Thus for us, the partnership between home and school is highly valued. Whenever possible, we operate an open door policy for accessing senior staff and will work hard to accommodate all communication between home and school, responding as rapidly as we can.

Please be assured that your issues, concerns and problems are never too small to be heard and responded to when they relate to your children.

Through our shared partnership, we will aim to ensure that your child receives the best possible education in a caring, safe community which provides them with the best possible chances to be happy and successful in our demanding world. Most importantly, although we will ask your child to work hard, we want to make sure that school is both fun and, for all the best reasons, memorable!

If you would like to find out more information, please contact Mr D Kerr for more information.

School Values

John Wheeldon first came to Stafford in 1880 as Headmaster of the British School in Earl Street.

In 1895 he became the first Headmaster of Corporation Street Board School and in 1909 when Corporation Street School was reorganised, he became the Headmaster of the boys department.

In his spare time, Mr Wheeldon taught Science classes at the Mechanics institute. He was also the founder and first president of the Stafford and District Association of the National Union of Teachers (N.U.T) and, in 1918, he was made Justice of the Peace.

In 1923 John Wheeldon became the Mayor of Stafford and in 1925, a member of the Education Committee, later serving on the Governing body of Stafford Girls High School.

John Wheeldon was married and had five children, Percy, Eveline, Annie, Dora and Thomas Victor. Sadly, Eveline died in 1899 during an outbreak of scarlet fever.  She was nine years old. Thomas Victor was reported missing, presumed killed, in 1917 aged 20, his name is also on the Stafford War Memorial.   Percy and Annie went on to win scholarships and to bring him and his school much honour.


We are ‘PROUD OF ALL WE DO’. (School Motto)

We are proud to be a part of SUA Trust

Join the Trust

SUAT supports and leads in the set-up of new academies joining the partnership. The services provided by the central support function cover both educational and non-educational support. In terms of educational support, SUAT is linked to the School of Education of Staffordshire University, which is an outstanding ITT provider.