Hello and a big warm welcome from the PTFA, to all pupils, parents, carers and friends of John Wheeldon Primary Academy

Since autumn 2017 we changed our name to John Wheeldon PTFA and in December 2017 we became a registered charity.

Our principal aim as a PTFA (Parents, Teachers and Friends Association) is to raise funds and assist the school in providing an enriched curriculum for our children and enhance their learning experiences. In the past your attendance at school fayres and other events has helped put money towards school trips, year 6 leavers’ books, school activity days, outside play equipment, refreshments at sports events, new art trollies and the new library.

As parents and carers at the school you are ALL automatically members of the PTFA, but don’t panic, this membership can mean whatever you want it to mean. Any help that is offered is greatly appreciated and there is no expectation that once you have helped that you need to be available for all future plans. That said, we do rely solely on people volunteering their time and energy and are always grateful for any amount of help people can offer. Without these volunteers we would not manage to deliver successful fun events for all the school community to enjoy and benefit from.

Everyone is welcome on the PTFA and we are always looking for new ideas!
The success of the PTFA depends entirely on the support of parents, staff and the community.
If you have ideas, comments, suggestions or need to ask the PTFA something, why not send us an email: johnwheeldonpta@gmail.com or contact us via the school office.

Alternatively, come along to a meeting and get involved!

Tabitha Waters, Chair John Wheeldon PTFA

Amazon Smile

Easy Fundraising

Your School Lottery




We are proud to be a part of SUA Trust

Join the Trust

SUAT supports and leads in the set-up of new academies joining the partnership. The services provided by the central support function cover both educational and non-educational support. In terms of educational support, SUAT is linked to the School of Education of Staffordshire University, which is an outstanding ITT provider.