“The schools motto of being proud of all you do underpins learning and school life.” Ofsted 2019

PROUD represents our school’s five key values which are:






Our children are introduced to these key values as soon as they start our school and we consistently refer to them in all that we do. Being PROUD of our actions and our work is central to our values and vision. For our younger children, we link our values to specific characters. Persevering Penguin, Respectful Rabbit, Outstanding Owl, Unique Unicorn and Dynamic Duck.
Our whole school curriculum is designed to ensure that children can apply these values to both themselves and wider contexts. Children consider the ways that significant people from both the past and present have demonstrated these values and the impact they have had, as well as discussing how they can apply them in everyday life. Our PROUD values underpin our experiences both inside and outside of school. We provide opportunities for children to become actively involved in public life and their community, becoming respectful and dynamic citizens and offer carefully planned outdoor learning experiences to encourage perseverance and outstanding approaches to challenge.
We encourage our pupils to be proud of their school and of each other, we value and celebrate the range of unique qualities that make us proud of our community. Our pupils are taught to have pride in every aspect of school life from their work, their uniform and the school environment. We celebrate children who have demonstrated our key PROUD values each week during our PROUD assemblies and share this weekly on our newsletter. In addition, children have moved their name up to the blue and purple star in lessons, when achieving a set amount, they receive a ‘praise card’ to celebrate them consistently showing PROUD values.
We use the word ‘proud’ every day to represent all we believe in and how we act. All staff use verbal reminders to encourage children to consider their choices by thinking about ‘Is this something I can be proud of?’ This reflective approach enables children to consider the choices they are making and celebrate times when they are proud.
Speaking and listening to our children’s views is central to all that we do. Here are some examples of our Autumn term pupil voice comments.

Autumn Pupil Voice

School Values

We are proud to be a part of SUA Trust

Join the Trust

SUAT supports and leads in the set-up of new academies joining the partnership. The services provided by the central support function cover both educational and non-educational support. In terms of educational support, SUAT is linked to the School of Education of Staffordshire University, which is an outstanding ITT provider.