Monday to Friday: 8:50am to 3:25pm

Our school gates open at 8.30am and close at 8.55am. The school bell sounds at 8.50am to signify that children need to go in to the school building and head to their class. This ensures that children are in school and ready to start their learning. If children arrive after this time, we ask that they are brought in to the office and signed in.

Morning Break: 10:45am to 11am

KS1 Afternoon Break: 14:45pm to 15:00pm

EYFS Lunch Break: 11:30am to 12:30pm

KS1 Lunch Break: 12:05pm to 13:05pm

KS2 Lunch Break: 12:15pm to 13:15pm

Afternoon Break: 14:45pm to 15:00pm

Total time in school 6 hours 35 minutes.

Attendance and punctuality are vitally important so that children don’t miss out on valuable learning time. See the flyer below for further information.